Extension Support
Why isn't CouponBirds SmartCoupon Finder popping up at checkout?
If the SmartCoupon Finder doesn't appear at checkout, it may be due to a lack of available coupon codes or because the site isn't supported by our extension. Check the bird icon in your browser toolbar for the extension's status to confirm whether the site is supported or if coupons are available.
If the bird icon appears gray, it indicates that the site currently doesn't provide any codes, or it's not supported by our extension at the moment.

If the bird icon is green, it signifies that the site offers coupons.

If the icon is green but the extension still does not pop up at checkout, you can simply click on the bird icon on your browser, search for available coupon codes and copy the one that you would like to apply.
For further assistance, report any issues via the Contact Us page or email them to [email protected], and we will address them within one business day.
Last updated on June 17, 2024